Your trustworthy supplier of hot line tools
VACK Technology Co., Ltd.
Contact Numbers

+86-400 004 1498

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Contact us

Shenzhen Fuan Innovation Technology Co., Ltd
Contact person: Manager Liu
Mobile:+86 18675559918
TELL: 4000041498
Address: No. 2 Industrial Zone, Gongminglou Village, Guangming New District, Shenzhen

ServicePosition:Home Page -> Service

Shenzhen Fuan Innovation Technology Co., Ltd. (Fuan Chuangke) has rich resources and experience to make creativity a reality. Our engineering department is the core of the company, focusing on designing safe, reliable and practical products to ensure the convenience and safety of line workers.
Fuan Chuangke is committed to providing exquisite products, and all products come with a 1-3 year warranty.

The pictures, words and other materials involved in this website are all owned by VACK Technology Co., Ltd., and shall not be reproduced without permission .