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The International Finals of the "Intelligent Power Supply and Distribution Technology" Competition of the 2023 BRICS Vocational Skills Competition opened at Chongqing Electric Power College

Pubdate:2016-11-08 16:32:58Clicks:

On the afternoon of November 8th, the international finals of the "Intelligent Power Supply and Distribution Technology" competition of the 2023 BRICS Vocational Skills Competition opened at the Tongnan Campus of Chongqing Electric Power College. Four vocational colleges from Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and 45 participating teams from 25 provinces across the country competed on the same stage.
At the opening meeting, Zong Wei, the president of Chongqing Electric Power College, introduced the basic situation of the school's education and teaching, enrollment scale, and professional settings, and expressed that the school attaches great importance to the preparation work of this competition, strives to build a high-level and distinctive vocational education platform for all participating teams, in order to enhance the abilities of vocational college teachers and students in innovation, coordination, organization, cooperation, and other aspects. It is hoped that through this competition, It can effectively promote deep cooperation and exchange among relevant countries in the field of education, as well as the cultivation of high-quality international technical and skilled talents.
Luo Quanliang, Deputy District Mayor of Tongnan District People's Government in Chongqing, stated that as the host of the competition, we will take this opportunity to actively strengthen cooperation and exchange, promote learning through competitions, meet friends through competitions, broaden our international perspective, and focus on promoting more professional and international vocational education in Tongnan.
Liu Zhenying, head of the Skills Group of the Council of BRICS Industry and Commerce Council (China), and chairman of the "the Belt and Road" and BRICS International Alliance for Skills Development, delivered a speech and announced the opening.
Liu Zhenying, head of the Skills Group of the Council of BRICS Business Council (Chinese side) and chairman of the "the Belt and Road" and BRICS International League for Skills Development, pointed out that the BRICS Vocational Skills Competition has built a bridge for communication, memory exchange, and thought collision of technical talents, and is also an important starting point for the development of skills standards for international groups and the joint training of future technical talents.
The chief referee of the competition, Song Qihou, interpreted the rules of the competition and stated that he will strictly abide by the competition rules, fulfill his duties as a referee, achieve objectivity, seriousness, fairness, and impartiality, and strive to provide a good competitive atmosphere and efficient and high-quality services for the participants.
It is reported that the "Intelligent Power Supply and Distribution Technology" competition is benchmarking against international level competitions, focusing on key areas such as high-end manufacturing, digital economy, new industries, new formats, and new technologies. Relying on on-site power supply and distribution equipment and power monitoring software, the competition focuses on assessing the skills of participants in the operation and management of intelligent power supply and distribution equipment, equipment control circuits and measurement instrument installation, fault handling, and remote monitoring. Intended to cultivate high-quality technical and skilled talents for the power and automation industries, and to support the development of national "new infrastructure" and "new energy".
Zong Wei stated that the "Intelligent Power Supply and Distribution Technology" competition of the 2023 BRICS Vocational Skills Competition is a globally influential competition in the field of power technology. The school's hosting of this international finals has provided a platform for communication, cooperation, and exhibition in the global electric power technology competition for vocational and higher vocational schools. It is of great significance for promoting the construction of electric power technology majors and vocational education teaching reform, comprehensively improving the quality of vocational education, and effectively promoting the school's "double high" and "quality improvement and excellence" construction

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