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State Grid Corporation of China releases the first report on the contribution of central enterprises to implementing global development initiatives at the United Nations headquarters in New York

Report presentation at the United Nations headquarters building
Energy is an important material foundation and driving force for global economic and social development. The reliable and sustainable development of energy is of great significance for achieving sustainable development goals. As a leader in the global energy revolution and a national team in energy and electricity, State Grid Corporation of China actively responds to global development initiatives, adheres to integrating the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development into high-quality development practices for serving the economy and society, and explores a series of innovative models and experiences. The report released this time is a systematic summary and comprehensive explanation of the above practical experience.
The report is divided into six parts: "Introduction", "Global Development Initiative", "State Grid Corporation of China and the Global Development Initiative", "State Grid Corporation of China's Key Measures and Innovative Practices in Implementing the Global Development Initiative", "Outlook", and "Compilation Explanation". The report systematically elaborates on the background and concept of State Grid Corporation of China's active response to the global development initiative, comprehensively sorts out the company's industry attributes, development strategy The association and response between the "three major responsibilities" and the implementation of global development initiatives were coordinated, and the company's innovative measures, practical cases, and action performance in implementing global development initiatives were introduced in detail.
State Grid Corporation of China deeply understands the relationship between the connotation of global development initiatives and the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. It regards promoting common development as the main line and has established strategic ideas and guiding principles for conducting development cooperation in the new era. Starting from its own social function positioning and corporate development strategy, the company comprehensively coordinates the three major responsibilities of politics, economy, and society, coordinates the fulfillment of responsibilities, promotes sustainable development, and provides systematic and comprehensive solutions to solve global development problems. As the power grid enterprise with the strongest transmission capacity and the largest scale of new energy grid connection in the world, the company leverages its network advantages and actively cooperates globally, laying a solid foundation for power technology and energy supply services to promote optimized energy supply and green low-carbon transformation. The company adheres to the six principles proposed by the Global Development Initiative as the basic guidelines for its work, and systematically launches key measures and projects to implement the Global Development Initiative from six aspects: prioritizing development, putting the people at the center, promoting inclusiveness and inclusiveness, driving innovation, promoting harmonious coexistence between humans and nature, and adhering to action orientation, achieving the expected results.
Tong Chong, on behalf of the company, presented a report to Sanda Ogabo, Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations and Director General of the Global Compact Organization
This release event has received widespread attention worldwide and positive evaluations from international experts and scholars in the field of energy and electricity. During the high-level event week of the United Nations General Assembly, Tong Chong, an employee of State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Suzhou Power Supply Branch, known as the "United Nations Global Pioneer in Sustainable Development", was invited to participate in the "United Nations Global Compact Organization Leaders Summit" and the second annual "Unstoppable Africa" conference. Tong Chong, on behalf of the company, presented the "Report" to Sanda O'Jabo, Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations and Director General of the Global Compact Organization. Aojiabo congratulates State Grid Corporation of China on the release of the report, and highly appreciates the company's positive measures and outstanding contributions in ensuring power supply, ensuring energy security, accelerating green transformation, promoting technological innovation, and conducting international cooperation in implementing global development initiatives and implementing the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.
Tong Chong interpreted the report at the release event and was interviewed by media reporters
State Grid Corporation of China will actively contribute wisdom, experience, and innovative solutions from Chinese energy and power enterprises, continuously consolidate consensus on sustainable development, drive more enterprises to promote sustainable development, and make new contributions to achieving the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals as scheduled and promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind

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