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Shenzhen Fuan Innovation Technology Co., Ltd
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DetailsPosition:Home Page -> Insulating tools

Insulated Handheld Tool Set ZST1

Product information
Product Name: Insulated Handheld Tool Set ZST1
Product category: Insulating tools
Keyword: Insulated Handheld Tool Set ZST1
Pubdate: 2023-11-30 15:52:03
产品详情 : 如下列表
序号 名称 型号 配置数量
1 棘轮扳手 A111.2801 1
2 T型方头手柄 A113.0103 1
3 加长杆 A113.1701       1
4 加长杆 A113.1702       1
5 特制长套筒头A111.1210 1
6 特制长套筒头 A111.1212 1
7 特制长套筒头 A111.1213 1
8 特制长套筒头 A111.1214 1
9 特制长套筒头A111.1217 1
10 特制长套筒头A111.1218 1
11 特制长套筒头A111.1219 1
12 特制长套筒头A111.1222 1
13 特制长套筒头A111.1224 1
14 特制长套筒头A111.1227 1
15 绝缘刀 A113.0602       1
16 棘轮梅花扳手A111.0510 1
17 棘轮梅花扳手A111.0513 1
18 棘轮梅花扳手A111.0514 1
19 棘轮梅花扳手A111.0517 1
20 棘轮梅花扳手A111.0519 1
21 棘轮梅花扳手A111.0524 1
22 绝缘螺丝刀 A111.2616 1
23 绝缘螺丝刀 A111.2612 1
24 绝缘螺丝刀 A111.2604 1
25 绝缘螺丝刀 A111.2605 1
26 绝缘锉刀 A111.2101 1
27 斜口钳 A111.2401 1
28 全绝老虎钳 A113.0901 1
29 工具箱 根据工具配备 1

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