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State Grid Corporation of China releases the first report on the contribution of central enterprises to implementing global development initiatives at the United Nations headquarters in New York

Pubdate:2017-03-21 12:17:38Clicks:

On December 22nd, the Xianyang Power Supply Station of State Grid Fujian Pucheng County Power Supply Company and the live line team of Minyan Electric Construction Pucheng Branch cooperated closely at the operation site of the No. 29 pole of the 10kV Light Textile III and 10kV Light Textile IV lines in the Ronghuashan Industrial Cluster of Nanping City, completing the first comprehensive uninterrupted straight line transformation to tension and installing column mounted vacuum switches in Pucheng County, further improving the operation level and power supply reliability of the park's distribution network.
It is understood that live work can be divided into four categories from easy to difficult. The transformation of loaded straight pole lines to tension poles and the installation of vacuum switches are the fourth category of live work with the highest technical difficulty due to their complex operation, strong technical requirements, and many details involved. It is currently one of the projects in the field of live work with high technical difficulty and high requirements for comprehensive cooperation ability. At the work site, the company strictly followed safety measures and standard operating procedures, and completed a series of operation steps such as setting up insulation shielding, installing tension resistant porcelain bottles, and tightening wires through the cooperation of two insulated boom trucks and four high-altitude live working personnel. The entire operation process took more than 4 hours.
The operation of installing a vacuum switch to replace a straight line with a tension one is achieved by diverting the line load through a bypass switch and flexible cable, and then transforming the original straight line pole into a tension one. The installation of the vacuum switch and the T-connection of the line are carried out without power outage. This operation takes into account the production needs of enterprises in the park, and for the first time, we use a straight line pole to replace a tension one for live operation, ensuring that Fujian Huate Synthetic Leather Co., Ltd. in the jurisdiction is under live operation More than 20 important users, including Si, have achieved reliable electricity usage and zero user perception. At the same time, it has improved the reliability of power supply in the industrial cluster area, providing strong power guarantee for ensuring power supply on New Year's Day and Spring Festival Introduction by Huang Dingbing, the person in charge of production in the company.
It is reported that State Grid Pucheng County Power Supply Company takes private practical work as the starting point, and in accelerating the construction of distribution network automation, it effectively plays the role of live line teams in overcoming difficulties, fully integrating live line work with distribution network construction, prioritizing the feasibility and specific construction plans of implementing live line work, completing defect elimination, maintenance, and replacement of smart switches through uninterrupted operation, ensuring stable power supply and optimizing the business environment, Continuously improving the convenience, satisfaction, and sense of achievement of the public in using electricity.

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