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Background of the power industry

Pubdate:2016-11-08 16:29:56Clicks:

The power industry belongs to the state-owned monopoly industry, which can be divided into two major systems: power generation and power supply, and four major links: power generation, transmission, power supply, and electricity consumption. The power generation system is divided into four power generation levels based on the power generation level and location of the power plant: cross grid power plant, grid level power plant, provincial-level power plant, self owned power plant, and small hydropower, and supplies power to the grid uniformly The power supply system implements hierarchical management, which is divided into four levels: State Power Company, Network Bureau/Independent Provincial Bureau, and Regional and County Power Companies; There are approximately 280 power supply bureaus at or above the regional level nationwide The overall architecture is pyramid shaped, with strict control from the upper level to the lower level The product of electricity production is electrical energy, which can generate, transmit, and distribute electricity simultaneously.

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