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DetailsPosition:Home Page -> Instrumentation

Phase sequence table

Product information
Product Name: Phase sequence table
Product category: Instrumentation
Keyword: Phase sequence table
Pubdate: 2023-11-30 09:32:40
Phase sequence detection (positive phase, reverse phase, missing phase), live line inspection, simple power inspection, live line identification, missing phase judgment, broken line position search, DC line break point detection, and line maintenance.

Product model: ETCR1000D non-contact phase sequence table
outside diameter: Φ10 ~ Φ40mm
host:about 220g;Total mass:about 360g(Including attachments)
power supply: DC3V 2 sections of alkaline dry battery No.5 (LR6)
Live range :AC 70 ~ 1000V,45 ~ 65Hz ( Continuous sine wave input)
LED display:
【normal phase】Four phase detection lamps light up in a clockwise direction in sequence;
【anti-phase】Four phase detection lamps light up in a counterclockwise direction in sequence;
【Live electricity】L1, L2, L3 lights are on within the voltage setting range;
【Phase deficiency】L1, L2, or L3 lights do not light up;
【open circuit】L1, L2, or L3 lights do not light up。

buzzing:【normal phase】The instrument emits intermittent short beeps;
【anti-phase】The instrument emits a continuous long beep。
Battery check: After turning on the power, the POWER indicator light is on; LOW BATTERY light on
magnet :There are four magnets attached to the back of the instrument panel,Suspended on the distribution box,Can withstand a mass of 800g
Automatic shutdown: About 5 minutes after startup,Automatic shutdown of the instrument
Clamp lead length: 0.6m
Instrument size: Width, height, and thickness 70mm×75mm×30mm
Measure the highest voltage: AC 1000V
Dielectric Strength: 5.4kV/rms
Maximum rated power :300mVA

Random attachments:instrument:1 piece;battery LR6:2 sections;toolkit:1 piece;Lanyard:1 piece

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