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Standardized management of live working tools and instruments

Pubdate:2024-01-04 10:46:11Clicks:

1. Description of professional management objectives
(1) The concept of professional management
Building a modern company with "one strong and three excellent" is a development goal that State Grid Corporation of China has set for the next period. This requires us to vigorously promote condition based maintenance, strictly control unplanned power outages, vigorously carry out live work, strengthen the management of live work tools, improve power supply reliability, and achieve the development goals of a strong power grid, excellent assets, high-quality services, and excellent performance. Focusing closely on the development goal of building a modern company with "one strong and three excellent" by State Grid Corporation of China, by strengthening the management of live working tools, ensuring the safety and standardization of tools during maintenance operations, reducing accident rates, improving power supply reliability, and building a safe, reliable, and flexible power grid.
(2) The scope and objectives of professional management
On the premise of vigorously promoting live line maintenance and reducing unplanned power outages, we provide safe, reliable, high-performance, and easy to operate work tools and tools for each live line maintenance operation in a timely manner to ensure the smooth completion of live line work.
To ensure the safe and reliable operation of the power grid. This is also an inevitable requirement of social and economic development for the development of the power grid.
Scope: This management is mainly applicable to the management of tools and equipment used for live line maintenance of 110-500kV transmission lines. It involves the procurement, acceptance, requisition, storage, testing, repair, transportation, elimination, and many other aspects of live line work tools and equipment. It manages the entire process of tool implementation, refines specific processes, clarifies specific management methods, and improves the safety and standardization of live line work tools and equipment.
(3) The indicator system and target values of professional management closely revolve around the development goal of State Grid Corporation of China to build a "strong and excellent" modern company. By strengthening the management of live working tools, we ensure the safety and reliability of the tools provided for live working, prevent accidents caused by the use of unqualified tools, improve power supply reliability, and build a safe, reliable, and flexible strong power grid.

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