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The development prospects of the power industry

Pubdate:2016-11-08 16:27:33Clicks:

The power industry is a fundamental industry and public utility that supports the development of the national economy and society. With the rapid development of China's national economy and the continuous improvement of people's living standards, the dependence on electricity is also increasing. The demand for electricity is closely related to the national economy, and the electricity elasticity coefficient reflects the relative relationship between the growth rate of electricity consumption and the growth rate of the national economy.
Since the reform and opening up, China's economy has entered a period of rapid development, especially since this century. The rapid development of industrialization, urbanization, marketization, and internationalization has driven the heavy industry and power industry to grow at a speed exceeding the average development rate of the previous 20 years, and the trend is still continuing; The next decade is a crucial period for China to comprehensively build a moderately prosperous society. From the perspective of the economic and power development cycle, China's economic and power development has entered a new round of development cycle since 2010. During this period, the industrialization process has accelerated and will enter the stage of deep processing. With the adjustment of industrial structure, technological progress, optimization of industrial structure, and basic modernization.
The development ideas of the 12th Five Year Plan for energy include: firstly, vigorously developing emerging energy industries, accelerating nuclear power construction, vigorously developing wind energy, solar energy, and biomass energy, and developing the clean utilization industry of coal; The second is to strengthen the traditional energy industry, build large-scale energy bases, and strive to develop coal and electricity large-scale energy enterprises; The third is to improve the comprehensive energy security guarantee mechanism, coordinate the development and utilization of domestic and foreign energy, strengthen the balance and coordination of energy layout, and reasonably arrange the construction of coal, electricity, oil and gas; The fourth is to strengthen technological innovation, promote comprehensive energy development and utilization, and improve the reasonable mechanism for resource development and ecological restoration; The fifth is to improve the electricity consumption conditions of urban and rural residents and strengthen energy construction in rural areas.
The development goal of the "Twelfth Five Year Plan" for energy is that coal will still maintain its position as the main energy source, and the production scale of hydropower, wind power, biomass energy, nuclear power, and solar energy will be significantly increased. At the end of the 12th Five Year Plan period, six to eight large coal conglomerates will be formed in China, and the concepts of coal import and export areas will be proposed based on regional economic characteristics. At the same time, in terms of renewable energy, efforts will be made to promote hydropower to play the main role of renewable energy, make wind power an important new force in renewable energy, make solar energy the most promising renewable energy industry in the future, and promote the diversified development of biomass energy. The energy planning investment for the 12th Five Year Plan is expected to be 5 trillion yuan, of which the investment in power supply construction is expected to be 2.65 trillion yuan, and the investment in power grid construction is expected to be 2.35 trillion yuan.
The 12th Five Year Plan for Energy Supply Construction aims to achieve an installed capacity of 280 million kilowatts and 84.82 million kilowatt hours of electricity in China, equivalent to 267 million tons of standard coal, by 2015. We will focus on developing thirteen hydropower bases in eight river basins, including the upper reaches of the Yellow River, the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River, the Hongshui River, the Wujiang River, and the Lancang River; The target for wind power installation is 90 million kilowatts (including 5 million kilowatts of offshore wind power) and 180 billion kilowatt hours of electricity; The installed capacity of biomass energy will reach 13 million kilowatts, with an electricity consumption of 65 billion kilowatt hours; The target for nuclear power installation is 30 million kilowatts; Solar power generation will reach 5 million kilowatts and generate 7.5 billion kilowatt hours of electricity; Build ultra-high voltage power grids in North China, East China, and Central China ("Sanhua"), forming a "three vertical, three horizontal, and one ring network". In the next 5 years, the investment amount of ultra-high voltage will reach 270 billion yuan.
In terms of renewable energy, the 12th Five Year Plan proposes "Ten Key Renewable Energy Projects", including major hydropower base projects, 10 million kilowatt wind power projects, and renewable energy demonstration cities. Among them, major hydropower base projects will promote hydropower development in the Jinsha River and Nu River basins; For the seven million kilowatt wind power projects previously planned in China, five of them are planned to be completed during the 12th Five Year Plan period; For demonstration cities of renewable energy, a dual standard assessment will be conducted during the 12th Five Year Plan period, focusing on the development of renewable energy and energy conservation and environmental protection. It is expected that by 2020, China's installed capacity of new energy power generation will reach 290 million kilowatts, accounting for approximately 17% of the total installed capacity. Among them, the installed capacity of nuclear power will reach 70 million kilowatts, wind power will reach nearly 150 million kilowatts, solar power will reach 20 million kilowatts, and biomass energy will reach 30 million kilowatts. The investment in new energy in the next decade will reach 10 trillion yuan.

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